Stora Köpinge kyrka
was built in the 12th century and was later built on. In the eastern part of the church, there are medieval Church murals.

August 10, 2022
A beautiful summer day. Drive to Åberg's garden outside Ystad to buy winter savory. Take the opportunity to eat lunch outside in the café. Nearby is Stora Köpinge. Parks the car in the church parking lot. Go through the gate facing the street. At the southeast corner of the church is a rune stone. To the east of the church are several old burial mounds. It was actually the runestone that we were going to look at, but then we discovered that the church was open. The church was built in the 12th century and was later built on. In the eastern part of the church, there are medieval Church murals. In the "new church" with the organ and a vault in the nave there are later Church murals (from around 1900). In the floor are some tombstones. The baptismal font is considered to be from the church beginning. Pulpit, altar and baptismal font canopy from around 1600. In a stand is a Mess dress from the 1730s. On the north wall of the chancel is an epitaph from 1771 over one of priests at the time.

GPS: WGS84 decimal (lat, lon) 55.470756, 13.947314