Activities and excursions in Skåne with borderlands.
Last published (in brackets tour dates)
publicerat (inom parantes utflyktsdatum)
25/8 2024:
Boijsens dammar:
(30 October 2023)
five ponds, four former fish ponds and one natural,
in the northern part of Skrylle area. In two grow red water lilies.
20/8 2024:
Sisselas källa:
(28 August 2023)
in Borrby, where according to the legend of the maiden Sissela
and King Borre, a spring sprang up where Sissela was killed.
14/8 2024:
Östra Herrestadsstenen:
(28 augusti 2023)
at Östra Herrestad's church stands this runestone,
dated to approx. 1000 AD.
Erected to the memory of a 'thegn',
who is probably a high-ranking person.
10/8 2024:
HIF - VMA 7-0:
(22 October 2023)
If HIF wins and Rosengård does not win, HIF goes up.
HIF at home against relegation-ready VMA,
Rosengård has a derby away to Balkan in Malmö. Ends 7-0.
In the 97th minute, Rosengård makes 2-3. And the end.
1/8 2024:
Rosengård - HIF 1-3:
(14 Octobere 2023)
Series final away against Rosengård. If Rosengård do loose today,
they have won the series and secured first place before the last round.
1-3. Will be a tense final round.
If Rosengård does not win but HIF wins, then HIF is promoted.
11/7 2024:
Vombs fure:
(13 november 2023)
is a coniferous forest area south of Vombsjön.
Pine forest was planted during the 1800s to prevent the sand drain,
which was due to the land being overused.
I collect here my photos and descriptions of different places and
environments in Skåne. My ambition is to create a gallery of
of Skåne, which is not so touristic, but shows the circumstances it happened to be at my visit.
The descriptions are short, a part of travel is to get there and see
for yourself, and not get too much presented. One need not travel far
in this world to experience something different. It is well with the
micro-tourism, i.e. the tourists in their home areas.
On the web since 1997.