Svalövs gamla kyrka
Opposite north of Svalöv's church is the site of the old church. At the site of the old church is a cemetery with old tombstones, several for the von Linde family, and the foundation of the old church.

February 27, 2019
Opposite north of Svalöv's church is the site of the old church. The old church was built at the end of the 12th century. it was demolished and material was used for the new church which was opened in 1878. At the site of the old church, is a cemetery with old tombstones and the foundation of the church. On the ground, scilla starts to come up. Several of the gravestones are difficult to interpret. In the church there was a tomb for the von Linde owner of Axelvold's manor. On a stone stands:

The family
von Lindes to Axelvold
in Svalöf's old church

Then the name begins with a major Linde born in 1693 and ends around 1830. Alongside the stone is a plaque that interprets the stone.

In the south-east corner is an area with more of the von Linde family. Most men have made a military career. Axel (1883-1969) was captain and the nation's first gym consultant. He is rewarded with a finer gravestone. Along the cemetery wall are tombstones, among other things over the farm-worker Joh. B. Magnusson (1886-1911). High and low.
